defmodule TypeID do @moduledoc File.cwd!() |> Path.join("") |>!() alias TypeID.Base32 alias TypeID.UUID @enforce_keys [:prefix, :suffix] defstruct @enforce_keys @typedoc """ An internal struct representing a `TypeID`. """ @opaque t() :: %__MODULE__{ prefix: String.t(), suffix: String.t() } @seperator ?_ @doc """ Generates a new `t:t/0` with the given prefix. **Optional**: Specify the time of the UUID v7 by passing `time: unix_millisecond_time` as the second argument. ### Example iex>"acct") #TypeID<"acct_01h45y0sxkfmntta78gqs1vsw6"> """ @spec new(prefix :: String.t()) :: t() @spec new(prefix :: String.t(), Keyword.t()) :: t() def new(prefix, opts \\ []) do suffix = UUID.uuid7(opts) |> Base32.encode() %__MODULE__{prefix: prefix, suffix: suffix} end @doc """ Returns the prefix of the given `t:t/0`. ### Example iex> tid ="doc") iex> TypeID.prefix(tid) "doc" """ @spec prefix(tid :: t()) :: String.t() def prefix(%__MODULE__{prefix: prefix}) do prefix end @doc """ Returns the base 32 encoded suffix of the given `t:t/0` ### Example iex> tid = TypeID.from_string!("invite_01h45y3ps9e18adjv9zvx743s2") iex> TypeID.suffix(tid) "01h45y3ps9e18adjv9zvx743s2" """ @spec suffix(tid :: t()) :: String.t() def suffix(%__MODULE__{suffix: suffix}) do suffix end @doc """ Returns an `t:iodata/0` representation of the given `t:t/0`. ### Examples iex> tid = TypeID.from_string!("player_01h4rn40ybeqws3gfp073jt81b") iex> TypeID.to_iodata(tid) ["player", ?_, "01h4rn40ybeqws3gfp073jt81b"] iex> tid = TypeID.from_string!("01h4rn40ybeqws3gfp073jt81b") iex> TypeID.to_iodata(tid) "01h4rn40ybeqws3gfp073jt81b" """ @spec to_iodata(tid :: t()) :: iodata() def to_iodata(%__MODULE__{prefix: "", suffix: suffix}) do suffix end def to_iodata(%__MODULE__{prefix: prefix, suffix: suffix}) do [prefix, @seperator, suffix] end @doc """ Returns a string representation of the given `t:t/0` ### Example iex> tid = TypeID.from_string!("user_01h45y6thxeyg95gnpgqqefgpa") iex> TypeID.to_string(tid) "user_01h45y6thxeyg95gnpgqqefgpa" """ @spec to_string(tid :: t()) :: String.t() def to_string(%__MODULE__{} = tid) do tid |> to_iodata() |> IO.iodata_to_binary() end @doc """ Returns the raw binary representation of the `t:t/0`'s UUID. ### Example iex> tid = TypeID.from_string!("order_01h45y849qfqvbeayxmwkxg5x9") iex> TypeID.uuid_bytes(tid) <<1, 137, 11, 228, 17, 55, 125, 246, 183, 43, 221, 167, 39, 216, 23, 169>> """ @spec uuid_bytes(tid :: t()) :: binary() def uuid_bytes(%__MODULE__{suffix: suffix}) do Base32.decode!(suffix) end @doc """ Returns `t:t/0`'s UUID as a string. ### Example iex> tid = TypeID.from_string!("item_01h45ybmy7fj7b4r9vvp74ms6k") iex> TypeID.uuid(tid) "01890be5-d3c7-7c8e-b261-3bdd8e4a64d3" """ @spec uuid(tid :: t()) :: String.t() def uuid(%__MODULE__{} = tid) do tid |> uuid_bytes() |> UUID.binary_to_string() end @doc """ Like `from/2` but raises an error if the `prefix` or `suffix` are invalid. """ @spec from!(prefix :: String.t(), suffix :: String.t()) :: t() | no_return() def from!(prefix, suffix) do validate_prefix!(prefix) validate_suffix!(suffix) %__MODULE__{prefix: prefix, suffix: suffix} end @doc """ Parses a `t:t/0` from a prefix and suffix. ### Example iex> {:ok, tid} = TypeID.from("invoice", "01h45ydzqkemsb9x8gq2q7vpvb") iex> tid #TypeID<"invoice_01h45ydzqkemsb9x8gq2q7vpvb"> """ @spec from(prefix :: String.t(), suffix :: String.t()) :: {:ok, t()} | :error def from(prefix, suffix) do {:ok, from!(prefix, suffix)} rescue ArgumentError -> :error end @doc """ Like `from_string/1` but raises an error if the string is invalid. """ @spec from_string!(String.t()) :: t() | no_return() def from_string!(str) when byte_size(str) <= 26, do: from!("", str) def from_string!(str) do size = byte_size(str) prefix = str |> binary_part(0, size - 26) |> String.replace(~r/_$/, "") suffix = binary_part(str, size - 26, 26) if prefix == "" do raise ArgumentError, "A TypeID without a prefix should not have a leading underscore" end from!(prefix, suffix) end @doc """ Parses a `t:t/0` from a string. ### Example iex> {:ok, tid} = TypeID.from_string("game_01h45yhtgqfhxbcrsfbhxdsdvy") iex> tid #TypeID<"game_01h45yhtgqfhxbcrsfbhxdsdvy"> """ @spec from_string(String.t()) :: {:ok, t()} | :error def from_string(str) do {:ok, from_string!(str)} rescue ArgumentError -> :error end @doc """ Like `from_uuid/2` but raises an error if the `prefix` or `uuid` are invalid. """ @spec from_uuid!(prefix :: String.t(), uuid :: String.t()) :: t() | no_return() def from_uuid!(prefix, uuid) do uuid_bytes = UUID.string_to_binary(uuid) from_uuid_bytes!(prefix, uuid_bytes) end @doc """ Parses a `t:t/0` from a prefix and a string representation of a uuid. ### Example iex> {:ok, tid} = TypeID.from_uuid("device", "01890be9-b248-777e-964e-af1d244f997d") iex> tid #TypeID<"device_01h45ykcj8exz9cknf3mj4z6bx"> """ @spec from_uuid(prefix :: String.t(), uuid :: String.t()) :: {:ok, t()} | :error def from_uuid(prefix, uuid) do {:ok, from_uuid!(prefix, uuid)} rescue ArgumentError -> :error end @doc """ Like `from_uuid_bytes/2` but raises an error if the `prefix` or `uuid_bytes` are invalid. """ @spec from_uuid_bytes!(prefix :: String.t(), uuid_bytes :: binary()) :: t() | no_return() def from_uuid_bytes!(prefix, <>) do suffix = Base32.encode(uuid_bytes) from!(prefix, suffix) end @doc """ Parses a `t:t/0` from a prefix and a raw binary uuid. ### Example iex> {:ok, tid} = TypeID.from_uuid_bytes("policy", <<1, 137, 11, 235, 83, 221, 116, 212, 161, 42, 205, 139, 182, 243, 175, 110>>) iex> tid #TypeID<"policy_01h45ypmyxekaa2apdhevf7bve"> """ @spec from_uuid_bytes(prefix :: String.t(), uuid_bytes :: binary()) :: {:ok, t()} | :error def from_uuid_bytes(prefix, uuid_bytes) do {:ok, from_uuid_bytes!(prefix, uuid_bytes)} rescue ArgumentError -> :error end def validate_prefix!(prefix) do cond do String.starts_with?(prefix, "_") -> invalid_prefix!(prefix, "cannot start with an underscore") String.ends_with?(prefix, "_") -> invalid_prefix!(prefix, "cannot end with an underscore") byte_size(prefix) > 63 -> invalid_prefix!(prefix, "cannot be more than 63 characters") not Regex.match?(~r/^[a-z_]*$/, prefix) -> invalid_prefix!(prefix, "can contain only lowercase letters and underscores") true -> :ok end end defp invalid_prefix!(prefix, message) do raise ArgumentError, "invalid prefix: #{prefix}. #{message}" end defp validate_suffix!(suffix) do Base32.decode!(suffix) :ok end if Code.ensure_loaded?(Ecto.ParameterizedType) do use Ecto.ParameterizedType @impl Ecto.ParameterizedType defdelegate init(opts), to: TypeID.Ecto @impl Ecto.ParameterizedType defdelegate type(params), to: TypeID.Ecto @impl Ecto.ParameterizedType defdelegate autogenerate(params), to: TypeID.Ecto @impl Ecto.ParameterizedType defdelegate cast(data, params), to: TypeID.Ecto @impl Ecto.ParameterizedType defdelegate dump(data, dumper, params), to: TypeID.Ecto @impl Ecto.ParameterizedType defdelegate load(data, loader, params), to: TypeID.Ecto end end defimpl Inspect, for: TypeID do import Inspect.Algebra def inspect(tid, _opts) do concat(["#TypeID<\"", TypeID.to_string(tid), "\">"]) end end defimpl String.Chars, for: TypeID do defdelegate to_string(tid), to: TypeID end if Code.ensure_loaded?(Phoenix.HTML.Safe) do defimpl Phoenix.HTML.Safe, for: TypeID do defdelegate to_iodata(tid), to: TypeID end end if Code.ensure_loaded?(Phoenix.Param) do defimpl Phoenix.Param, for: TypeID do defdelegate to_param(tid), to: TypeID, as: :to_string end end if Code.ensure_loaded?(Jason.Encoder) do defimpl Jason.Encoder, for: TypeID do def encode(tid, _opts), do: [?", TypeID.to_iodata(tid), ?"] end end