diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8ad8fdc --- /dev/null +++ b/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +# The Fuck Around and Find Out License, version 0.2 + +## Purpose + +This license gives everyone as much permission to work with +this software as possible, while protecting contributors +from liability, and ensuring this software is used +ethically. + +## Acceptance + +In order to receive this license, you must agree to its +rules. The rules of this license are both obligations +under that agreement and conditions to your license. +You must not do anything with this software that triggers +a rule that you cannot or will not follow. + +## Copyright + +Each contributor licenses you to do everything with this +software that would otherwise infringe that contributor's +copyright in it. + +## Ethics + +This software must be used for Good, not Evil, as +determined by the primary contributors to the software. + +## Excuse + +If anyone notifies you in writing that you have not +complied with [Ethics](#ethics), you can keep your +license by taking all practical steps to comply within 30 +days after the notice. If you do not do so, your license +ends immediately. + +## Patent + +Each contributor licenses you to do everything with this +software that would otherwise infringe any patent claims +they can license or become able to license. + +## Reliability + +No contributor can revoke this license. + +## No Liability + +***As far as the law allows, this software comes as is, +without any warranty or condition, and no contributor +will be liable to anyone for any damages related to this +software or this license, under any kind of legal claim.*** \ No newline at end of file