defmodule SloaneSH.Context do @moduledoc """ A SloaneSH build context containing configuration and reference to content files. """ use TypedStruct alias SloaneSH.Config alias __MODULE__ typedstruct do field :config, Config.t(), enforce: true field :pages, [String.t()], default: [] field :posts, [String.t()], default: [] end def new(config \\ Config.default()) do %Context{config: config} end def init(%Context{config: config} = context) do with {:ok, pages_contents} <-, {:ok, posts_contents} <- do pages = Enum.filter(pages_contents, &String.match?(&1, ~r/.*\.md$/)) posts = Enum.filter(posts_contents, &String.match?(&1, ~r/.*\.md$/)) %Context{context | pages: pages, posts: posts} end end def maybe_add(%Context{config: config} = ctx, path) do if Config.in_config?(config, path) do cond do String.starts_with?(path, config.pages_dir) -> page = Path.relative_to(path, config.pages_dir) %{ctx | pages: Enum.uniq([page | ctx.pages])} String.starts_with?(path, config.posts_dir) -> post = Path.relative_to(path, config.posts_dir) %{ctx | posts: Enum.uniq([post | ctx.posts])} true -> ctx end else ctx end end def in_context?(%Context{config: config, pages: pages, posts: posts}, path) do with true <- Config.in_config?(config, path) do cond do String.starts_with?(path, config.pages_dir) -> page = Path.relative_to(path, config.pages_dir) [page in pages] String.starts_with?(path, config.posts_dir) -> post = Path.relative_to(path, config.posts_dir) [post in posts] true -> false end end end end