# dotfiles ⚙️ My personal and professional development environment setup and configuration ## Usage ### Install nix I've used the [DeterminateSystems installer](https://github.com/DeterminateSystems/nix-installer?tab=readme-ov-file#the-determinate-nix-installer). ### Install Homebrew _(This is mostly to use casks to install GUI applications.)_ Use the instructions on [brew.sh](https://brew.sh/). ### Run first time setup If the current hostname and username of are already defined in the [nix-darwin config](./.config/nix-darwin) you can run `nix-darwin` to bootstrap the machine. ```sh nix run nix-darwin -- switch --flake 'github:sloanelybutsurely/dotfiles?dir=.config/nix-darwin' ```
New hostname or username If you're setting up a brand new machine or using a new username you'll have to clone this repo and update the `nix-darwin` config to include the new hostname and/or username. If you commit and push these changes you can continue these instructions from the above. If you want to bootstrap from a local copy of this repo you can run `nix-darwin`: ```sh nix run nix-darwin -- switch --flake /path/to/.config/nix-darwin ```
### Set shell ```sh chsh -s /run/current-system/sw/bin/fish ``` ### Reboot the machine This will let the new shell take hold. ### Clone remaining dotfiles and nix-darwin Once setup you can fetch a local copy of the nix-darwin config and some remaining dotfiles. ```sh # yadm should have been installed by yadm clone git@github.com:sloanelybutsurely/dotfiles.git ```