add zellij navigation

This commit is contained in:
sloane 2024-11-04 09:38:49 -05:00
parent 5fffd4bb15
commit 22fca5e8db
Signed by: sloanelybutsurely
SSH key fingerprint: SHA256:8SBnwhl+RY3oEyQxy1a9wByPzxWM0x+/Ejc+sIlY5qQ
4 changed files with 475 additions and 30 deletions

View file

@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
"LuaSnip": { "branch": "master", "commit": "8d7aa7a7b7c0875e4878d1d2590924bc1c229305" },
"LuaSnip": { "branch": "master", "commit": "45db5addf8d0a201e1cf247cae4cdce605ad3768" },
"cmp-nvim-lsp": { "branch": "main", "commit": "39e2eda76828d88b773cc27a3f61d2ad782c922d" },
"hunk.nvim": { "branch": "master", "commit": "eb89245a66bdfce10436d15923bf4deb43d23c96" },
"lazy.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "cf8ecc2c5e4332760431a33534240b0cbc6680ab" },
"lsp-zero.nvim": { "branch": "v4.x", "commit": "19a8b90340c6c522219c84f7befe784d657ab28e" },
"mason-lspconfig.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "4d0e5b49363cac187326998b96aa6a2884e0e89b" },
"hunk.nvim": { "branch": "master", "commit": "0834cb91c9eb1f315fbf49ad4ea9abc9ac8b5157" },
"lazy.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "48b52b5cfcf8f88ed0aff8fde573a5cc20b1306d" },
"lsp-zero.nvim": { "branch": "v4.x", "commit": "9823b3e27deaf9f0152f3bc22f05b54f21e234e8" },
"mason-lspconfig.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "482350b050bd413931c2cdd4857443c3da7d57cb" },
"mason.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "e2f7f9044ec30067bc11800a9e266664b88cda22" },
"mini.icons": { "branch": "main", "commit": "a2742459f0ee32806c2438ca06b4d8b331f3f4d4" },
"mini.icons": { "branch": "main", "commit": "2d89252993fec829b24720097a687412d10f6c85" },
"nerdtree": { "branch": "master", "commit": "9b465acb2745beb988eff3c1e4aa75f349738230" },
"nui.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "b58e2bfda5cea347c9d58b7f11cf3012c7b3953f" },
"nvim-autopairs": { "branch": "master", "commit": "ee297f215e95a60b01fde33275cc3c820eddeebe" },
"nvim-cmp": { "branch": "main", "commit": "29fb4854573355792df9e156cb779f0d31308796" },
"nvim-lspconfig": { "branch": "master", "commit": "54617a18f4cf46f0c2f6d024fa6feb7515fe036d" },
"nvim-treesitter": { "branch": "master", "commit": "b065b59196edb10a7c29bfbed88cc225b7e3de37" },
"nvim-web-devicons": { "branch": "master", "commit": "19d257cf889f79f4022163c3fbb5e08639077bd8" },
"plenary.nvim": { "branch": "master", "commit": "2d9b06177a975543726ce5c73fca176cedbffe9d" },
"nui.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "61574ce6e60c815b0a0c4b5655b8486ba58089a1" },
"nvim-autopairs": { "branch": "master", "commit": "fd2badc24e675f947162a16c124d395bde80dbd6" },
"nvim-cmp": { "branch": "main", "commit": "ae644feb7b67bf1ce4260c231d1d4300b19c6f30" },
"nvim-lspconfig": { "branch": "master", "commit": "bdbc65aadc708ce528efb22bca5f82a7cca6b54d" },
"nvim-treesitter": { "branch": "master", "commit": "093b29f2b409278e2ed69a90462fee54714b5a84" },
"nvim-web-devicons": { "branch": "master", "commit": "9793801f974bba70e4ac5d7eae6c4f5659993d8e" },
"plenary.nvim": { "branch": "master", "commit": "ec289423a1693aeae6cd0d503bac2856af74edaa" },
"telescope.nvim": { "branch": "master", "commit": "a0bbec21143c7bc5f8bb02e0005fa0b982edc026" },
"vim-abolish": { "branch": "master", "commit": "dcbfe065297d31823561ba787f51056c147aa682" },
"vim-commentary": { "branch": "master", "commit": "64a654ef4a20db1727938338310209b6a63f60c9" },
"vim-commentary": { "branch": "master", "commit": "c4b8f52cbb7142ec239494e5a2c4a512f92c4d07" },
"vim-dispatch": { "branch": "master", "commit": "a2ff28abdb2d89725192db5b8562977d392a4d3f" },
"vim-fugitive": { "branch": "master", "commit": "d4877e54cef67f5af4f950935b1ade19ed6b7370" },
"vim-fugitive": { "branch": "master", "commit": "1d18c696c4284e9ce9467a5c04d3adf8af43f994" },
"vim-helix": { "branch": "main", "commit": "0d6bab9626cf74dedc16997e9f8d8c356939e76d" },
"vim-repeat": { "branch": "master", "commit": "65846025c15494983dafe5e3b46c8f88ab2e9635" },
"vim-rhubarb": { "branch": "master", "commit": "ee69335de176d9325267b0fd2597a22901d927b1" },
@ -27,6 +27,6 @@
"vim-sort-motion": { "branch": "master", "commit": "c8782be8f7da414c6442b3ba4b6abb0345d392d9" },
"vim-surround": { "branch": "master", "commit": "3d188ed2113431cf8dac77be61b842acb64433d9" },
"vim-textobj-user": { "branch": "master", "commit": "41a675ddbeefd6a93664a4dc52f302fe3086a933" },
"vim-tmux-navigator": { "branch": "master", "commit": "a9b52e7d36114d40350099f254b5f299a35df978" },
"which-key.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "8badb359f7ab8711e2575ef75dfe6fbbd87e4821" }
"which-key.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "bfec3d6bc0a9b0b2cb11644642f78c2c3915eef0" },
"zellij-nav.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "1d6657d8b8e1f6bbb275a48bc96092b248b8f522" }

View file

@ -10,21 +10,16 @@ return {
{ 'kana/vim-textobj-user' },
cmd = {
lazy = true,
event = "VeryLazy",
keys = {
{ '<c-h>', '<cmd><C-U>TmuxNavigateLeft<cr>' },
{ '<c-j>', '<cmd><C-U>TmuxNavigateDown<cr>' },
{ '<c-k>', '<cmd><C-U>TmuxNavigateUp<cr>' },
{ '<c-l>', '<cmd><C-U>TmuxNavigateRight<cr>' },
{ '<c-\\>', '<cmd><C-U>TmuxNavigatePrevious<cr>' },
{ "<c-h>", "<cmd>ZellijNavigateLeftTab<cr>", { silent = true, desc = "navigate left or tab" } },
{ "<c-j>", "<cmd>ZellijNavigateDown<cr>", { silent = true, desc = "navigate down" } },
{ "<c-k>", "<cmd>ZellijNavigateUp<cr>", { silent = true, desc = "navigate up" } },
{ "<c-l>", "<cmd>ZellijNavigateRightTab<cr>", { silent = true, desc = "navigate right or tab" } },
opts = {},

.config/zellij/config.kdl Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
// If you'd like to override the default keybindings completely, be sure to change "keybinds" to "keybinds clear-defaults=true"
keybinds {
normal {
// uncomment this and adjust key if using copy_on_select=false
// bind "Alt c" { Copy; }
locked {
bind "Ctrl g" { SwitchToMode "Normal"; }
resize {
bind "Ctrl n" { SwitchToMode "Normal"; }
bind "h" "Left" { Resize "Increase Left"; }
bind "j" "Down" { Resize "Increase Down"; }
bind "k" "Up" { Resize "Increase Up"; }
bind "l" "Right" { Resize "Increase Right"; }
bind "H" { Resize "Decrease Left"; }
bind "J" { Resize "Decrease Down"; }
bind "K" { Resize "Decrease Up"; }
bind "L" { Resize "Decrease Right"; }
bind "=" "+" { Resize "Increase"; }
bind "-" { Resize "Decrease"; }
pane {
bind "Ctrl p" { SwitchToMode "Normal"; }
bind "h" "Left" { MoveFocus "Left"; }
bind "l" "Right" { MoveFocus "Right"; }
bind "j" "Down" { MoveFocus "Down"; }
bind "k" "Up" { MoveFocus "Up"; }
bind "p" { SwitchFocus; }
bind "n" { NewPane; SwitchToMode "Normal"; }
bind "d" { NewPane "Down"; SwitchToMode "Normal"; }
bind "r" { NewPane "Right"; SwitchToMode "Normal"; }
bind "x" { CloseFocus; SwitchToMode "Normal"; }
bind "f" { ToggleFocusFullscreen; SwitchToMode "Normal"; }
bind "z" { TogglePaneFrames; SwitchToMode "Normal"; }
bind "w" { ToggleFloatingPanes; SwitchToMode "Normal"; }
bind "e" { TogglePaneEmbedOrFloating; SwitchToMode "Normal"; }
bind "c" { SwitchToMode "RenamePane"; PaneNameInput 0;}
move {
bind "Ctrl h" { SwitchToMode "Normal"; }
bind "n" "Tab" { MovePane; }
bind "p" { MovePaneBackwards; }
bind "h" "Left" { MovePane "Left"; }
bind "j" "Down" { MovePane "Down"; }
bind "k" "Up" { MovePane "Up"; }
bind "l" "Right" { MovePane "Right"; }
tab {
bind "Ctrl t" { SwitchToMode "Normal"; }
bind "r" { SwitchToMode "RenameTab"; TabNameInput 0; }
bind "h" "Left" "Up" "k" { GoToPreviousTab; }
bind "l" "Right" "Down" "j" { GoToNextTab; }
bind "n" { NewTab; SwitchToMode "Normal"; }
bind "x" { CloseTab; SwitchToMode "Normal"; }
bind "s" { ToggleActiveSyncTab; SwitchToMode "Normal"; }
bind "b" { BreakPane; SwitchToMode "Normal"; }
bind "]" { BreakPaneRight; SwitchToMode "Normal"; }
bind "[" { BreakPaneLeft; SwitchToMode "Normal"; }
bind "1" { GoToTab 1; SwitchToMode "Normal"; }
bind "2" { GoToTab 2; SwitchToMode "Normal"; }
bind "3" { GoToTab 3; SwitchToMode "Normal"; }
bind "4" { GoToTab 4; SwitchToMode "Normal"; }
bind "5" { GoToTab 5; SwitchToMode "Normal"; }
bind "6" { GoToTab 6; SwitchToMode "Normal"; }
bind "7" { GoToTab 7; SwitchToMode "Normal"; }
bind "8" { GoToTab 8; SwitchToMode "Normal"; }
bind "9" { GoToTab 9; SwitchToMode "Normal"; }
bind "Tab" { ToggleTab; }
scroll {
bind "Ctrl s" { SwitchToMode "Normal"; }
bind "e" { EditScrollback; SwitchToMode "Normal"; }
bind "s" { SwitchToMode "EnterSearch"; SearchInput 0; }
bind "Ctrl c" { ScrollToBottom; SwitchToMode "Normal"; }
bind "j" "Down" { ScrollDown; }
bind "k" "Up" { ScrollUp; }
bind "Ctrl f" "PageDown" "Right" "l" { PageScrollDown; }
bind "Ctrl b" "PageUp" "Left" "h" { PageScrollUp; }
bind "d" { HalfPageScrollDown; }
bind "u" { HalfPageScrollUp; }
// uncomment this and adjust key if using copy_on_select=false
// bind "Alt c" { Copy; }
search {
bind "Ctrl s" { SwitchToMode "Normal"; }
bind "Ctrl c" { ScrollToBottom; SwitchToMode "Normal"; }
bind "j" "Down" { ScrollDown; }
bind "k" "Up" { ScrollUp; }
bind "Ctrl f" "PageDown" "Right" "l" { PageScrollDown; }
bind "Ctrl b" "PageUp" "Left" "h" { PageScrollUp; }
bind "d" { HalfPageScrollDown; }
bind "u" { HalfPageScrollUp; }
bind "n" { Search "down"; }
bind "p" { Search "up"; }
bind "c" { SearchToggleOption "CaseSensitivity"; }
bind "w" { SearchToggleOption "Wrap"; }
bind "o" { SearchToggleOption "WholeWord"; }
entersearch {
bind "Ctrl c" "Esc" { SwitchToMode "Scroll"; }
bind "Enter" { SwitchToMode "Search"; }
renametab {
bind "Ctrl c" { SwitchToMode "Normal"; }
bind "Esc" { UndoRenameTab; SwitchToMode "Tab"; }
renamepane {
bind "Ctrl c" { SwitchToMode "Normal"; }
bind "Esc" { UndoRenamePane; SwitchToMode "Pane"; }
session {
bind "Ctrl o" { SwitchToMode "Normal"; }
bind "Ctrl s" { SwitchToMode "Scroll"; }
bind "d" { Detach; }
bind "w" {
LaunchOrFocusPlugin "session-manager" {
floating true
move_to_focused_tab true
SwitchToMode "Normal"
tmux {
bind "[" { SwitchToMode "Scroll"; }
bind "Ctrl b" { Write 2; SwitchToMode "Normal"; }
bind "\"" { NewPane "Down"; SwitchToMode "Normal"; }
bind "%" { NewPane "Right"; SwitchToMode "Normal"; }
bind "z" { ToggleFocusFullscreen; SwitchToMode "Normal"; }
bind "c" { NewTab; SwitchToMode "Normal"; }
bind "," { SwitchToMode "RenameTab"; }
bind "p" { GoToPreviousTab; SwitchToMode "Normal"; }
bind "n" { GoToNextTab; SwitchToMode "Normal"; }
bind "Left" { MoveFocus "Left"; SwitchToMode "Normal"; }
bind "Right" { MoveFocus "Right"; SwitchToMode "Normal"; }
bind "Down" { MoveFocus "Down"; SwitchToMode "Normal"; }
bind "Up" { MoveFocus "Up"; SwitchToMode "Normal"; }
bind "h" { MoveFocus "Left"; SwitchToMode "Normal"; }
bind "l" { MoveFocus "Right"; SwitchToMode "Normal"; }
bind "j" { MoveFocus "Down"; SwitchToMode "Normal"; }
bind "k" { MoveFocus "Up"; SwitchToMode "Normal"; }
bind "o" { FocusNextPane; }
bind "d" { Detach; }
bind "Space" { NextSwapLayout; }
bind "x" { CloseFocus; SwitchToMode "Normal"; }
shared_except "locked" {
bind "Ctrl g" { SwitchToMode "Locked"; }
bind "Ctrl q" { Quit; }
bind "Alt n" { NewPane; }
bind "Alt i" { MoveTab "Left"; }
bind "Alt o" { MoveTab "Right"; }
bind "Alt h" "Alt Left" { MoveFocusOrTab "Left"; }
bind "Alt l" "Alt Right" { MoveFocusOrTab "Right"; }
bind "Alt j" "Alt Down" { MoveFocus "Down"; }
bind "Alt k" "Alt Up" { MoveFocus "Up"; }
bind "Alt =" "Alt +" { Resize "Increase"; }
bind "Alt -" { Resize "Decrease"; }
bind "Alt [" { PreviousSwapLayout; }
bind "Alt ]" { NextSwapLayout; }
shared_except "normal" "locked" {
bind "Enter" "Esc" { SwitchToMode "Normal"; }
shared_except "pane" "locked" {
bind "Ctrl p" { SwitchToMode "Pane"; }
shared_except "resize" "locked" {
bind "Ctrl n" { SwitchToMode "Resize"; }
shared_except "scroll" "locked" {
bind "Ctrl s" { SwitchToMode "Scroll"; }
shared_except "session" "locked" {
bind "Ctrl o" { SwitchToMode "Session"; }
shared_except "tab" "locked" {
bind "Ctrl t" { SwitchToMode "Tab"; }
shared_except "move" "locked" {
bind "Ctrl h" { SwitchToMode "Move"; }
shared_except "tmux" "locked" {
bind "Ctrl b" { SwitchToMode "Tmux"; }
shared_except "locked" {
bind "Ctrl h" {
MessagePlugin "" {
name "move_focus_or_tab";
payload "left";
// Plugin Configuration
move_mod "ctrl"; // Optional, should be added on every command if you want to use it
bind "Ctrl j" {
MessagePlugin "" {
name "move_focus";
payload "down";
move_mod "ctrl";
bind "Ctrl k" {
MessagePlugin "" {
name "move_focus";
payload "up";
move_mod "ctrl";
bind "Ctrl l" {
MessagePlugin "" {
name "move_focus_or_tab";
payload "right";
move_mod "ctrl";
bind "Alt h" {
MessagePlugin "" {
name "resize";
payload "left";
resize_mod "alt"; // Optional, should be added on every command if you want to use it
bind "Alt j" {
MessagePlugin "" {
name "resize";
payload "down";
resize_mod "alt";
bind "Alt k" {
MessagePlugin "" {
name "resize";
payload "up";
resize_mod "alt";
bind "Alt l" {
MessagePlugin "" {
name "resize";
payload "right";
resize_mod "alt";
plugins {
tab-bar location="zellij:tab-bar"
status-bar location="zellij:status-bar"
strider location="zellij:strider"
compact-bar location="zellij:compact-bar"
session-manager location="zellij:session-manager"
welcome-screen location="zellij:session-manager" {
welcome_screen true
filepicker location="zellij:strider" {
cwd "/"
// Choose what to do when zellij receives SIGTERM, SIGINT, SIGQUIT or SIGHUP
// eg. when terminal window with an active zellij session is closed
// Options:
// - detach (Default)
// - quit
// on_force_close "quit"
// Send a request for a simplified ui (without arrow fonts) to plugins
// Options:
// - true
// - false (Default)
// simplified_ui true
// Choose the path to the default shell that zellij will use for opening new panes
// Default: $SHELL
// default_shell "fish"
// Choose the path to override cwd that zellij will use for opening new panes
// default_cwd ""
// Toggle between having pane frames around the panes
// Options:
// - true (default)
// - false
// pane_frames true
// Toggle between having Zellij lay out panes according to a predefined set of layouts whenever possible
// Options:
// - true (default)
// - false
// auto_layout true
// Whether sessions should be serialized to the cache folder (including their tabs/panes, cwds and running commands) so that they can later be resurrected
// Options:
// - true (default)
// - false
// session_serialization false
// Whether pane viewports are serialized along with the session, default is false
// Options:
// - true
// - false (default)
// serialize_pane_viewport true
// Scrollback lines to serialize along with the pane viewport when serializing sessions, 0
// defaults to the scrollback size. If this number is higher than the scrollback size, it will
// also default to the scrollback size. This does nothing if `serialize_pane_viewport` is not true.
// scrollback_lines_to_serialize 10000
// Define color themes for Zellij
// For more examples, see:
// Once these themes are defined, one of them should to be selected in the "theme" section of this file
// themes {
// dracula {
// fg 248 248 242
// bg 40 42 54
// red 255 85 85
// green 80 250 123
// yellow 241 250 140
// blue 98 114 164
// magenta 255 121 198
// orange 255 184 108
// cyan 139 233 253
// black 0 0 0
// white 255 255 255
// }
// }
// Choose the theme that is specified in the themes section.
// Default: default
// theme "default"
// The name of the default layout to load on startup
// Default: "default"
// default_layout "compact"
// Choose the mode that zellij uses when starting up.
// Default: normal
// default_mode "locked"
// Toggle enabling the mouse mode.
// On certain configurations, or terminals this could
// potentially interfere with copying text.
// Options:
// - true (default)
// - false
// mouse_mode false
// Configure the scroll back buffer size
// This is the number of lines zellij stores for each pane in the scroll back
// buffer. Excess number of lines are discarded in a FIFO fashion.
// Valid values: positive integers
// Default value: 10000
// scroll_buffer_size 10000
// Provide a command to execute when copying text. The text will be piped to
// the stdin of the program to perform the copy. This can be used with
// terminal emulators which do not support the OSC 52 ANSI control sequence
// that will be used by default if this option is not set.
// Examples:
// copy_command "xclip -selection clipboard" // x11
// copy_command "wl-copy" // wayland
// copy_command "pbcopy" // osx
// Choose the destination for copied text
// Allows using the primary selection buffer (on x11/wayland) instead of the system clipboard.
// Does not apply when using copy_command.
// Options:
// - system (default)
// - primary
// copy_clipboard "primary"
// Enable or disable automatic copy (and clear) of selection when releasing mouse
// Default: true
// copy_on_select false
// Path to the default editor to use to edit pane scrollbuffer
// Default: $EDITOR or $VISUAL
// scrollback_editor "/usr/bin/vim"
// When attaching to an existing session with other users,
// should the session be mirrored (true)
// or should each user have their own cursor (false)
// Default: false
// mirror_session true
// The folder in which Zellij will look for layouts
// layout_dir "/path/to/my/layout_dir"
// The folder in which Zellij will look for themes
// theme_dir "/path/to/my/theme_dir"
// Enable or disable the rendering of styled and colored underlines (undercurl).
// May need to be disabled for certain unsupported terminals
// Default: true
// styled_underlines false
// Enable or disable writing of session metadata to disk (if disabled, other sessions might not know
// metadata info on this session)
// Default: false
// disable_session_metadata true

View file

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
layout {
pane size=1 borderless=true {
plugin location="tab-bar"
pane {
plugin location=""
pane size=2 borderless=true {
plugin location="status-bar"