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module Aoc.Day4 (solve) where
import Aoc (runReadP)
import Data.Char
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP
type Range = (Int, Int)
type Row = (Range, Range)
type Input = [Row]
parse :: String -> Input
parse = map (runReadP rowP) . lines
intP :: ReadP Int
intP = do
digits <- munch1 isDigit
return $ read digits
rangeP :: ReadP Range
rangeP = do
l <- intP
_ <- char '-'
r <- intP
return (l, r)
rowP :: ReadP Row
rowP = do
a <- rangeP
_ <- char ','
b <- rangeP
return (a, b)
fullOverlap :: Row -> Bool
fullOverlap ((a, b), (c, d))
| a <= c && b >= d = True
| c <= a && d >= b = True
| otherwise = False
overlap :: Row -> Bool
overlap ((a, b), (c, d))
| b < c = False -- first is fully to the left of second
| d < a = False -- first is fully to the right of second
| otherwise = True -- there's some overlap
solve' :: String -> (Row -> Bool) -> Integer
solve' input predicate = fromIntegral $ length $ filter predicate $ parse input
solve :: Integer -> String -> String
solve 1 input = show $ solve' input fullOverlap
solve 2 input = show $ solve' input overlap
solve _ _ = "?"