defmodule Mix.Tasks.AdventOfCode.Gen.Solution do use Mix.Task import Mix.Generator import Mix.AdventOfCode @shortdoc "Generate a new solution module" @moduledoc """ #{@shortdoc}. Includes new solution module, test, and empty problem input. ## Examples # Generate solution modules, tests, and empty input for Day 2 $ mix advent_of_code.gen.solution 2 """ @switches [] @impl Mix.Task def run(args) do case OptionParser.parse!(args, switches: @switches) do {_, [day]} -> day_module = day_module(day) day_contents = day_template(mod: day_module, day: day) |> Code.format_string!() day_path = Path.join("lib", Macro.underscore(day_module)) day_tests_path = Path.join("test", Macro.underscore(day_module)) day_file = "#{day_path}.ex" create_file(day_file, day_contents) create_directory(day_tests_path) for part <- 1..2 do part = to_string(part) part_module = part_module(day, part) part_test_module = Module.concat(day_module, Macro.camelize("Part#{part}Test")) part_test_contents = part_test_template(mod: part_module, test_mod: part_test_module) |> Code.format_string!() part_test_file = Path.join(day_tests_path, "#{Macro.underscore("part_#{part}_test")}.exs") create_file(part_test_file, part_test_contents) end _ -> Mix.raise("Unknown arguments.") end end embed_template(:day, ~S[ defmodule <%= inspect(@mod) %> do @moduledoc """ Day <%= @day %> """ end defmodule <%= inspect(@mod) %>.Part1 do @moduledoc """ Day <%= @day %>, Part 1 """ alias AdventOfCode.PuzzleSolver use PuzzleSolver import <%= inspect(@mod) %>, warn: false @impl PuzzleSolver def solve(_input_stream) do :ok |> to_string() end end defmodule <%= inspect(@mod) %>.Part2 do @moduledoc """ Day <%= @day %>, Part 2 """ alias AdventOfCode.PuzzleSolver use PuzzleSolver import <%= inspect(@mod) %>, warn: false @impl PuzzleSolver def solve(_input_stream) do :ok |> to_string() end end ]) embed_template(:part_test, ~S[ defmodule <%= inspect(@test_mod) %> do use AdventOfCode.PuzzleCase, module: <%= inspect(@mod) %> test "returns :ok" do input = ~S""" input """ assert_solution input, "ok" end end ]) end