defmodule Mix.Tasks.AdventOfCode.Solve do use Mix.Task @shortdoc "Runs solution code with problem input" @moduledoc """ #{@shortdoc}. ## Options `--input` - name of a `.input` file in `priv/inputs/` without the `.input` extension or `-` to read from stdin ## Examples # Run Day 2, Part 1 solution program against the `2.1.input` file $ mix advent_of_code.solve 2.1 # Run Day 1, Part 2 with a special input $ mix advent_of_code.solve 1.2 --input day-1-part-2-small # priv/inputs/day-1-part-2-small.input # Run Day 17, Part 1 with input from stdin # $ mix advent_of_code.solve 17.1 --input - """ @switches [input: :string] @impl Mix.Task def run(args) do case OptionParser.parse!(args, strict: @switches) do {opts, [selector]} -> case stream_for_input(selector, opts) do {:indeterminate, stream} -> ProgressBar.render_spinner( [text: "Processing indeterminate data...", done: "Done."], fn -> solve(selector, stream) end ) |> IO.puts() {size, stream} -> stream = stream |> Stream.with_index(1) |> Stream.each(fn {_, i} -> ProgressBar.render(i, size) end) |> {l, _} -> l end) solve(selector, stream) |> IO.puts() end _ -> nil end end defp solve(selector, stream) do selector |> AdventOfCode.solver() |> AdventOfCode.PuzzleSolver.solve(stream) end defp stream_for_input(selector, opts) do input = Keyword.get(opts, :input, selector) if input == "-" do {:indeterminate,} else file = Path.join("priv/inputs", "#{input}.input") stream =!(file) {Enum.count(stream), stream} end end end