defmodule AOC.Prelude do @moduledoc """ Commonly used functions """ @doc """ Splits a String input into lists of lines. Excludes any leading or trailing lines from the output list. """ @spec lines(String.t()) :: [String.t()] def lines(str) do String.split(str, "\n", trim: true) end @doc """ Takes a string containing multiple integers and returns a list of the parsed integers. The input is split on the given seperator. A single space is used if none is provided. """ @spec ints(String.t()) :: [integer()] @spec ints(String.t(), separator :: String.t()) :: [integer()] def ints(str, separator \\ " ") do str |> String.split(separator, trim: true) |> end @type coord() :: {x :: integer(), y :: integer()} @type coord(t) :: {x :: t, y :: t} @type map_grid(a) :: %{coord(non_neg_integer()) => a} @doc """ Reads an Advent of Code-style grid of characters into a map of x, y positions to a string containing the single character at that position. """ @spec map_grid(String.t()) :: map_grid(String.t()) def map_grid(input) do for {line, y} <- Enum.with_index(lines(input)), {c, x} <- Enum.with_index(String.graphemes(line)), into: %{} do {{x, y}, c} end end @doc """ Returns `true` if the given position tuple is within the bounds of the map_grid. """ @spec in_bounds?(map_grid(any()), coord()) :: boolean() def in_bounds?(grid, pos), do: Map.has_key?(grid, pos) @type direction() :: :up | :down | :left | :right | :n | :ne | :e | :se | :s | :sw | :w | :nw @doc """ Applies a single movement to a coordindate pair There are also single function shorthands: """ @spec move_coord(coord(), direction()) :: coord() def move_coord({x, y}, dir) when dir in [:up, :n], do: {x, y - 1} def move_coord({x, y}, dir) when dir in [:down, :s], do: {x, y + 1} def move_coord({x, y}, dir) when dir in [:left, :w], do: {x - 1, y} def move_coord({x, y}, dir) when dir in [:right, :e], do: {x + 1, y} def move_coord(pos, :ne), do: Enum.reduce([:n, :e], pos, &move_coord/2) def move_coord(pos, :se), do: Enum.reduce([:s, :e], pos, &move_coord/2) def move_coord(pos, :sw), do: Enum.reduce([:s, :w], pos, &move_coord/2) def move_coord(pos, :nw), do: Enum.reduce([:n, :w], pos, &move_coord/2) directions = ~w[up down left right n ne e se s sw w nw]a for dir <- directions do @doc """ A shorthand for `move_coord(pos, #{inspect(dir)})` """ @spec unquote(dir)(coord()) :: coord() def unquote(dir)(coord), do: move_coord(coord, unquote(dir)) end @type neighborhood_opt() :: {:include_center, boolean()} @type neighborhood_opts() :: list(neighborhood_opt()) @doc """ For a given coordinate position, returns the [Von Neumann neighborhood][1]. The Von Neumann neighborhood consists of the cells to the north, south, east, and west of the center cell. ## Options - `:include_center`, whether or not to include the passed position. Defaults to `false` [1]: """ @spec von_neumann_neighborhood(coord()) :: nonempty_list(coord()) @spec von_neumann_neighborhood(coord(), opts :: neighborhood_opts()) :: nonempty_list(coord()) def von_neumann_neighborhood(pos, opts \\ []) do include_center = Keyword.get(opts, :include_center, false) cells =[n e s w]a, &move_coord(pos, &1)) maybe_center = if include_center, do: [pos], else: [] maybe_center ++ cells end @doc """ For a given coordinate position, returns the [Moore neighborhood][1]. The Moore neighborhood consists of the cells to the north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, and northwest of the center cell. ## Options - `:include_center`, whether or not to include the passed position. Defaults to `false` [1]: """ def moore_neighborhood(pos, opts \\ []) do include_center = Keyword.get(opts, :include_center, false) cells =[n ne e se s sw w nw]a, &move_coord(pos, &1)) maybe_center = if include_center, do: [pos], else: [] maybe_center ++ cells end end