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71 lines
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module Day8 where
import Data.Array
import Data.Char
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP
signedInt :: ReadP Int
signedInt = do
sign <- char '+' <++ char '-'
digits <- munch1 isDigit
return $ value sign digits
value '+' = read
value '-' = negate . read
data Inst = Acc Int | Jmp Int | Nop Int
deriving (Show)
inst :: ReadP Inst
inst = do
op <- choice $ map string ["acc", "jmp", "nop"]
_ <- skipSpaces
arg <- signedInt
return $ case op of
"acc" -> Acc arg
"jmp" -> Jmp arg
"nop" -> Nop arg
type Program = Array Int Inst
program :: ReadP Program
program = do
insts <- inst `sepBy` char '\n'
_ <- skipSpaces
_ <- eof
let bnds = (0, length insts - 1)
return $ listArray bnds insts
parse p s = unwrap $ readP_to_S p s
unwrap [(a, "")] = a
unwrap [(_, rs)] = error "Parser did not consume entire stream."
unwrap (a:as) = unwrap as
unwrap _ = error "Parser error"
data State = State { acc :: Int, sp :: Int, visits :: S.Set Int, looped :: Bool }
deriving (Show)
start = State 0 0 S.empty False
outOfBounds arr idx = idx < l || idx > r
where (l, r) = bounds arr
run pgrm = run' pgrm start
run' pgrm state
| outOfBounds pgrm $ sp state = state
| S.member (sp state) (visits state) = State (acc state) (sp state) (visits state) True
| otherwise = run' pgrm state'
state' = State acc' sp' visits' False
inst = pgrm ! (sp state)
acc' = case inst of
(Acc arg) -> (acc state + arg)
_ -> acc state
sp' = case inst of
(Jmp arg) -> (sp state + arg)
_ -> (sp state + 1)
visits' = S.insert (sp state) (visits state)